David le Viseur

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Let’s try it! An online art exhibition that feels like art and an exhibition. New, experimental, interactive – and live!

Video-Link: https://youtu.be/k2-r2sIhvKs
This is the archived version of the original live stream – with improved audio.

If you’d like to get notified about future Live Stream Exhibitions, send me a brief email!

Featured Works:

8:38 – “The Open White Cube”
9:40 – “The Night Schlingensief Died”
13:48 – “David’s Finest Flat-Earth Globuli – Popular Around The Globe”
19:05 – “Spoken Version of the Corona Virus Genome”
24:12 – “In den Augen der Anderen”
30:28 – “Home Is Not Home”
38:27 – St. Quentin Prison Cell
41:54 – “The Speed of Human Warmth”
44:52 – “The Problem of Painting”
46:44 – Spotify Playlist for the exhibition
47:10 – Exit Music for an Exhibition

Special Editions

David’s Finest Flat-Earth Globuli

Flat-Earth Globuli

“David’s Finest Flat-Earth Globuli – Popular Around The Globe” are a highly potent antidote against all known forms of conspiracy theory syndrome. If taken regularly and believed in as strongly as prescribed, it removes any and all tendencies to believe in conspiracy theories.

Limited Edition (X/29,53), 24x30cm.

Last Party’s Feather

A feather from the last concert (by Deichkind, Munich, 20/02/2020) before the shutdown.

Limited Edition (X/10), 24x30cm.

Home Is Not Home Playlist

The playlist code of the “Home Is Not Home Live Stream Exhibition” for your home.

Limited Edition (X/30), 24x30cm.

The Open White Cube

The Open White Cube

During the Covid-19 pandemic, galleries and museums turned into closed White Cubes. This particular White Cube provides an alternative. It creates an opening, an open space, if used in combination with a greenscreen setup – a technique that’s widely ultilized in the context of online conferencing and livestreaming.

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David's Finest Flat-Earth Globuli – Popular around The Globe

David’s Finest Flat-Earth Globuli – Popular Around The Globe

David’s Finest Flat-Earth Globuli Popular Around The Globe Multiple, 2020 “David’s Finest Flat-Earth Globuli – Popular Around The Globe” are a highly potent antidote against all known forms of conspiracy theory syndrome. If taken regularly and believed in as strongly as prescribed, it removes any and all tendencies to believe in conspiracy theories. (BTW: It’s no accident that “wafer” means “Oblate” in German – and that the Earth is, technically speaking, an “oblate spheroid”.)

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David le Viseur, In den Augen der Anderen, Video, Installationsansicht, 2016

In den Augen der Anderen

HD-Video,15:20min., 2016 [DE] Nicht die Kunst selbst, sondern das, was Menschen über Kunst denken und sagen, ist es, was sich virusgleich von Mund zu Mund verbreitet. Das Werk wird also transformiert und ersetzt durch das, was Betrachter erzählen. Bedeutung und Umdeutung, Gerücht und Ruhm entstehen auf diese Weise.

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David le Viseur, Home is not Home Photo-Series No. 1, 2020

Home Is Not Home – Photos

Home Is Not Home Photo-Series, 2020 During quarantine, we spent all of our time at home. But if we’re honest, we were not really at home. We transported ourselves somewhere else, while looking at our phones. What if we try the opposite? What can we discover at home? No escapism!

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The Speed of Human Warmth

The Speed of Human Warmth

Installation, 2020 A special high thermal conductivity rod transferring the warmth of one person –through a wall– to another person that’s on the other side. Powerful enough to melt ice.

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David le Viseur, "The Problem of Painting No.1", Oil on Canvas, 210x140cm, 2018

The Problem of Painting

Painting, Work in Progress, 2018 This painting is part of an ongoing project about the problems of painting witin the context of Neuroart. “The Problem of Painting No.1”, Oil on Canvas, 210x140cm, 2018

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